What Is This Acne
Would this be fibro related?
Looks like the butterfly associated with lupus?? Check it out as well as images…
Could be lupus
I'd get your GP to have a look.you should be able to send the pics too them now on their online system or hope you get seen 🙏
Hi Lucy, WOW! I thought my rosacea was bad ! Actually, it's been that bad. I had to get a special cream...$300.00. Isn't that robbery?!? My rosacea is really bad right now, but I think it's because of the high humidity we're having. Come to think of it, that looks more like an allergic reaction. After the first mugging, my elbows were scraped down to almost the bone! The pharmacist said to put polysporin on them and a dressing too. Several days later my elbows looked like your cheeks do. When I saw my doctor, she said the itchy, yet painful, oozing red rash was an allergic reaction to the polysporin. Great! One more to add to the list! So, if you're not itching and oozing, it's rosacea. I hope you can find a cheaper cream. It's been a few months, mine hasn't improved at all! I should have just made a camp fire with the $300.00. What a waste! I wish you good luck and also, rosacea is just another lovely little gift a person can get from having Fibro! Til Later....Be Well. Take Care. Thea2 😊
Many ailments manfest in a rash.
It can be a simple change in a soap or lotion causing an allergic reaction. It could be as serious as Lupus.
Go to your doctor.
It looks really uncomfortable. Is the rash only on your face?
Does Anyone Get Rashes?
Anyone Suffer From Acne Or Eczema On Face
Fibro Flare Today