Does Anyone Else Get A Numb/burning/pain Feeling In The Top Of The Thigh? It's A Horrible Feeling I Get Mostly At Night..
Yes I also get that feeling
Yes, I have horrible burning sensations all over mainly in my face and my legs. I haven't found anything that helps with it. Numbness was one of the first symptoms that led me to the doctor but it was combined with chest pain so I had many ER visits in the beginning.
Yes I do on different part's of my body, like a bit on my leg and a bit on my arm ect feels like it's in patches in random places. That and numb legs was my first symptoms
Yes, I do but it lasts all day
I'm Having Horrible Neck Pain With Severe Limited Range Of Motion. Any Suggestions For Relief?
Reactions To Covid Vaccines
Does Anyone Use An Infrared Sauna?