For Anyone Who Doesn't Work Due To Disability How Do You Pick Yourself Up On Bad Days? I Feel Like I Just Exist At This Point ☹️
Keep busy. I . I have taken up painting and loving it and people say I am getting better at it. Make my own C cards so this year drew them and painted them and then decided to make book marks when the walls close in I take coffee and muffin and drive to lake and get my nature fill, i have personal support workers from Mon till Thurs so get to chat I also read crochet knit have made jewelry my mind is always clicking so this way I don't get bored or depressed, Mind you I have days when I am not well so much pain so not interested in anything then just cry and sleep. Good luck Evelyn
I have days I am just existing joey. I do nothing but try and alleviate symptoms. Or sleep. Can be part of this illness. I try to walk my dog daily, sometimes barely get one leg in front of the other, but I feel I have achieved something. If I meet people and chat this cheers me up. Depending how disabled you are find things to do. My wife is practically bed bound she plays online scrabble. Volunteer, gym, social clubs, book clubs, excercise groups. Find something however small you can do. Good luck. Take care.
It's sucks, that's really what it takes for fibro too and if you don't it will get SO much worse 😢
Just keep pushing myself. I refuse to sit and do nothing
Hobbies, lots of self help podcasts and similar.Even if it's just in the background. As much as I love horror, it seems to have a negative effect on my mental health which also effects my physical health, so I cut down on it a lot, same with some other intense genres. Music included.
Not that there aren't bad days, learning to accept that all the time is a challenge too.
Full Time Employment And Fibro
Lack Of Understanding Regarding Diagnosis
How Did You Accept Having Fibromyalgia?