I’m Interested To Know I Who All Has Has Epstein Barr( Mono) Before Symptoms Started. I Have Had Active EB Confirmed By Bloodwork 5.
I have what I have been told is rare Recurrent EBV. Besides the times actually confirmed I now wonder how many years my sore through and exhaustion were actually REBV. I’m curious bc of the people I have personally known with this, all appear to have very similar symptoms. I wonder if doctors even routinely check for it. The simple in office quick test isn’t accurate for recurrent. There is one part of the test that shows recent or current active, one shows if you have ever had it.
I had mono in high school, along with endometriosis…not fun!!!
I had mono twice. I was also jaundice. They told me if i ever got it again i wouldn't survive.
That's one that I haven't had.
I did, and so many of us on here . But not reoccurring ebv. Is yours a immune deficiency?
I had sore throat, swollen glands later with fibromyalgia flareups.
Anyone Else Have Mononucleosis When Younger?
Epstein Barr Virus