Terrible Flare Up Today
Been doing a bit of experiment with quails and I had one pass on me sadly even saw her fully formed I still got another one but because of the stress of I have set off a fibro flare I have got into a bad flare up its everywhere my chest is the worst now because my son is constantly bashing my chest with his head and pinching my skin as babies do so costo is also on the list of pain . . Basically I'm wondering if anyone has noticed massive flare ups with stress and emotional stress oh I even had… read more
Hi everyone… there is a fabulous organization that does research on fibro…it is free and I highly encourage everyone to join in. It’s called American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association. Please look into this, very helpful and informative information 😍
Stress is not are friend 🤗
New cat Fiona, how nice, or not at the moment. Take care.
Yup, my fibro’s flaring a bit because of stress with the new cat. Hopefully things will settle down soon
Are you keeping Quails as pets Lucy? Stress can definitely cause flares. When your in a stressful situation Lucy, pause and do five minutes of slow deep breathing. This will calm you. Does your mother live near you Lucy? How old is your son? You have a lot to cope with Lucy. I hope your venture with the Quails is a success.
Fibro Flare Today
Has Anyone Had Troubles With Since Becoming Ill
Will Covid Make My Fibromyalgia Worse