Is Anyone Else Bothered By Their Tongue Being Raw All The Time And It Looks Like Railroad Tracks When You Look At It?
The dr said it is called geographical tongue....I have an RX called Nystatin that I'm supposed to use 4 times a day, but with my memory like it is, I never think about it unless my tongue starts bothering again....this last month I have felt so bad, I just want to hide my head, but that won't help, either ! ! !
My dentist told me baking soda and water are the best natual antiseptic for my mouth. I'm finding it to be true.
I get burning mouth. Not the pattern on the tongue being described. My tongue is sore, with white lumps on it. Also I get a lot of ulcers. I continually wash my mouth with salt water. Also prescribed a numbing mouth wash. It comes and goes for no reason. I have never been treated to prevent this. Take care you two lovely ladies.
Benadryl and a atarax helps me with that but now my allergist changed it to 2 Allegra's a day. 1 morning 1 at night and if my tongue hurts before my next dose, a regular 4hr allergy tablet helps me w that. I only get Nystatin when i get thrush and that's been happening to me a few times this year due to stress. Started last year around this time of year. Hugs
Smells Nobody Else Can Smell
Does Anyone Have An Issue With Feeling Like You Have A Thick Tongue Making It Hard To Talk?
Do Many Of You Suffer, As I Do, From An Extreme Sensitivity To Odors, Caused By Fibromyalgia?