Anyone Do Alot Of Wee
I've noticed tonight I have wee alot
@A MyFibroTeam Member
I have had this problem for quite a while. It is from weakened pelvic floor muscles. There is physical therapy you can do for that. It can be caused by child birth, lifting heavy things, menopause and aging, We need to learn to relax the muscle enough to let all the pee out. I am still having problems with that. Kegal exercises will build up the strength in your muscles 💪. Then the hard part is relaxing enough to let all your pee out. See your doctor and get z plan for you.
If it burns or smells bad, it’s probably a UTI…urinary infection. If it doesn’t, you probably have an irritable bladder complements of fibro.
Yes! This is becoming a real pain in the backside. I cannot hold my wee now properly
So it's irritable bladder ? Xx
Yep I think I have irritable bladder . Then I worried my self did I drink to much water .
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