Anyone Else Have Problems With IT Band Issues?
Hi Gwen, I struggle with ITBS as well. As someone who spent many days a week in the gym prior to fibro, I don't have a great understanding of what causes it. I was in shape, so I'm not sure if it's only due to weakened muscle. I've tried different exercises at home over the past few years, but nothing seems to stop it from happening. Resting the muscle seems to be the only thing that helps in my case.
The IT band is usually a pretty sticky muscle for most people, whether they realize it or not.
I find the IT and the abductors to be the most painful muscles to perform a release on, hands down.
Yes! Constantly. Seems to be connected to weakened muscles that would otherwise offer better support and proper back/hip/knee alignment - that’s my take on it at least. Not a dr.
I have family that help.
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