Had Nightmare Again 😭
I hate nightmares 😭why do we get them so vivid with fibro
Often side effects of some medications prescribed for fibromyalgia. Pain, anxiety interfere with sleep. I often worry and have vivid dreams about scary situations, disasters. A few days ago had them for nights in a row then I remembered a started to take antihistamines because I just couldn’t sleep more than 3-4 hours . It helped me sleep but I had extremely vivid dreams. So I stopped taking it. I looked up the side effects and there is was described vivid dreams.
Do something funny b4 u go to sleep, like play a game off snap its a
card game Lucy's play snakes & ladders its good 4 yr mental health it
makes u laugh, sing happy funny songs 🎵
Happy New Year, friend 💛🤗
Sorry you are having nightmares again. Wishing you restful and restorative sleep. 💜💐💜
Have you tried colonidine? It stops my nightmares. They prescribe it for PTSD because of this. It helps reduce the sympathetic nervous system over activity or whatever the smart people call it. This happens with fibro too.
I tried taking it twice a day, but that's too hard on my blood pressure. It was having some effect on my pain. Normally in this kind of humidity and unstable air pressure, I need to be on heavy narcotics to be functional. This is the first non narcotic to have a mild/moderate effect on my pain level. Not in a functional way but still. Could be useful to someone less sensitive than me.
I suffer with the same, but I don't know what can help us, sorry. Wish good dreams for you.
Horrible Nightmare
Thera Cane