Cold Easing Fibromyagla
Does the cold or a nice cool breeze easy anyone elses fibromyalga as it does to mine ???
I use Max Freee, icy Hot or Bio-freeze to help with leg cramps. I get them so bad at times I can hardly move and they last for 20-30 minutes or longer I suppose if I don't put one of the above on, sometimes my cramps leave dark purple bruises. I also find hot baths with. Epsom salt to help especially in the mornings when I wake up achey all over
Ill have to try the cooling gels packs thanks for the advice :-)
Sombra is another gel that's helpful for treating leg and body aches, the only drawback is that it's made from capsasian (from chili peppers ) and washing your hands after each use several times is a must !!!
The heat helps me if it's a heated pool, sauna, heating pad , heated blanket, but the humidity affects me negatively in the summer. These other forms of heat relax away some of my pain. Once I get cold to my joints it's " a done deal"and a flare up is sure to follow .
Wow I love the cold jts so much better than the heat
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