Would You Consider Going To A Psychospiritual Pain Group (5) People In Group We Offer "holistic" Tips For Functionality & Pain Management?
My husband and I are both health psychologist's and we are thinking of running a pain group in our home office. We are in need of a consensus and would like to know if you would attend a psychospiritual based pain group once a week or every other week for an hour? The cost would be based on income $10 to $30 a week and we can bill health insurance.
Myself, of course, understands the impact of chronic pain of FM personally and I wanted to offer that place of understanding and compassion from… read more
If I lived in your area, I would do that but I liked what the one lady suggested about skype, I could also do skype...maybe that could be considered as well? It sounds like it could be very beneficial to everyone with or without pain. God bless you and your husband! Thank you for all that you do for people. Hugs to both of you.
Yes I would. Skyping would work for me since I live in a different state
It's sounds a lot more respectful than the pain management clinics around here .I feel like they rape you of your dignity because you need..not even want pain medication.. I suffer way to much and negatively effecting my life and relationships...good luck.
I live on south Texas & it would be too far for me. I don't travel much any more & Utah I would be impossible for me. Sounds interesting & I wish you the best.
@A MyFibroTeam Member, I am in individual therapy now somewhat. By that, I mean, my AARP health insurance has ceased coverage. For me, I would only consider Christian based counseling. God blessed me last year in January to have 3 ladies come to pray with me for 3 hours. As a result, there is no more anxiety. About 25 years earlier, God removed depression.
What you seem to be proposing should be marvelous. I would be interested if I knew more specifically your structure and approach. Now, my therapist comes to me once per month and calls to check on me all other weeks. We worked together at a psychiatric hospital for children before my diagnosis 31 years ago we started with biofeedback training an individual therapy. Through the years, I have benefited from on and off visits with him.
He's had a stroke and needs me as much as I need him. When my coverage was discontinued, he was going to see me without charge. I insisted on $20 because his gas isn't free and his time and dedication are more than worth it.He has never charged what the insurance didn't cover. I also participated in 2 groups with him, graduating for from a 3 - person group to a larger one until i outgrew that one, too. My diagooses then were codependency, depression and anxiety with panic attacks. Occasionally, I have seen other Christian psychologists. One was doing FM research and was instrumental in my being granted temporary SSD as I retired a couple of years early. I hope you and your husband have success with this endeavor.
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