I Was Wondering If There Are Any Commonalities Between All Us Fibro Suffers.
What I am wanting to find out is if fibro is found in more women of a certain race, age, socioeconomic background, location. I know men also suffer from fibro, but there are definitely more women. Is there anything that is common for all of us or not?
My mom's family has a history of bad nerves, as we call it, the Arnold nerves. We have a family history of nerve problems, anxiety, depression, stress. I wonder if it is something in our DNA. It would be interesting to do a study of it.
Yes, I know.Since I have been on this site I see a lot of young women. I would like to know what their stories are to see if they had some major traumatic event or anxiety or stress, depression.
You know what? I had bad depression and anixity since I was a teenager. Maybe something there
I think you misunderstood Joyce. I was saying its not just older women. Since I've been on this site I've met a lot of women who were in their 20's and 30's. There's a girl I met the other day that was 18.
Kelly Lee, I was reading your comments about the age thing. I was in my twenties when I started experiencing pain; therefore it is not an old person's condition. I still have it, and I am in my late fifties. I posed the question because I was curious as to what the backgrounds of some of my fellow sufferers were. I couldn't be more opposite from you in careers, I am an adult upgrading instructor, so I have not done any heavy work where I would have been injured. I know that I was very stressed especially at university. I wonder if others have suffered from a lot of stress and developed fibro as a result.
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