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So New Symptom Or New Problem Thats The Game Of The Week

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bloomington, IN

So have been having swelling of my tongue it is not effecting my airway so not worried. But two dr later we still have the question of why/what/and huhhhh. My jaw has started to hurt to which is new. Anyone experienced this stuff?My blood work reveals high inflammation which was a duhh answer for me. I

February 6, 2018
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A MyFibroTeam Member

When i was driving to work this morning i noticed i was clenching my jaw and thought about this post. So while sitting at the red light did a few lions breath things...the looks i got were priceless. The entertainment factor of that alone was worth it for me lol

February 7, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I think ive had this, sometimes it just feels like my tongue is too big for my mouth. It almost gets in the way, i end up biting it in the back. Not sure it it is actually swollen or just all in my head.

I found when it gets like this, or when the jaw pain comes, my yoga lions breath really does help. I felt so silly at first but it relaxes everything, and even feels like there is more room in my mouth for my supersized tongue.

I get the swollen throat so much tho. We call them throat rocks lol. It gets so sore and so hard to swallow. Usually Tylenol or something will help for awhile but suggestions for this part are welcome!

February 7, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Ive had the jaw ache and swollen tongue but found out i was grinding my teeth and clamping my jaws sometimes chewing my tongue. I did find out i have severe sleep apnea so now i have a cpap machine and a high strength prescription mouthwash which helped. I hope this helps.

February 6, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

The inflammation is caused by the attack Fibro brings. It can give you (TMD) Temporal Mandular Joint Dysfunction. It can cause your teeth, gums, cheek and jaw to hurt. It can affect all parts of the body. Yes I experience this every now and then and I even had my right jaw pop out of the socket and I had to massage it back in with my hand. It really hurt bad. It happens when I open my mouth to take a bite of something like a burrito or anything I have to open my mouth big for. You will hear or feel your jaw click when you push up in the corners of your jaw and hold your two index fingers there. Push them in and open and close your mouth. Look for something to reduce the inflammation and look up the resources button above and see what foods you need to avoid to help with your inflammation.

February 7, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I haven't had tongue swelling, but have had raw, red sore throats without a cold or other virus coming on. When I'm in flare my whole head hurts, from my jaw to my sinuses to my scalp and the back of my neck.

I eat a low inflammation diet, take care of my oral health (which is essential to.lowering inflammation in the body), and.I take Curamed, the essential oil of circumin, 750 mg twice a day. It is far more potent than turmeric by itself. I have found it has lessened the number of days I'm in flare.

February 6, 2018

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