Has Anyone Purchased A Weighted Blanket Or Comforter? Reviews Please And Thanks In Advance.
I use an electric blanket, even in summer. Heat helps with the pain.
I like weight across my legs but too anxious at times. I am going to tell you something and please don’t think I am making light of your question. My dog has social anxiety disorder. One of her vets recommended a weighted blanket. She has a bad leg as result of hip surgery. When her leg hurts she holds leg straight up when sleeping. I started putting blanket on her leg at night. After about week and half her leg would be down. I couldn’t believe it. I had been massaging her leg several times a night during flares. I quit putting it on her first summer, too hot. Crying, leg back up. Turned air down, blanket back on nights leg was hurting, sleeping all night. It has been almost 4 years. It did not help her anxiety. I am sorry I wrote you a book. I look forward to hearing if a weighted blanket helps you.
I have wanted to try one to see if it helps. I actually got given a heated blanket and used it on top of me at night, i actually found that it was heavier than a typical throw over type blanket so even if i had it turned off i found i slept better. I'm not sure if a weighted blanket would be too heavy for me but would love to try one! 😃
I lay big pillow all around over my blanket then another blanket on top but heating pad between my knees helps the most.
Like MarylwendHansen, I had allodynia before I realized it was fibro. Clothes hurt; ordinary sheets hurt; simple touch like holding hands hurt. Sorry, but nothing weighted for me. If you think something weighted might work for you, go for it...but check the return policy first.
Has Anyone Tried A Weighted Blanket?
Has Anyone Used Or Is Using A Wieghted Blanket For All Our Crazy Symptoms And Feel Better In The Mornings? Thinking About Buying One.
Anyone Else Prickly Cold 🥶