Anyone Else Prickly Cold 🥶
Ugh 😩 I’ve been bed bound for almost a year now . I do get up and move around and ride the elliptical for a few mins but then I’m rate back under the weighted blanket.
I think they help ppl with anxiety and feeling snug and cuddled but too heavy for aching painful joints/muscles for me ☹️
I have to have 100% cotton sheets it’s so nice and cool on my legs this helps me sleep
Happy Halloween Trevorj , hope u feel better soon. Warm hugs .stay warm
Infrared is the best. After a nice light massage.
When I’m really cold I warm up on my infrared heatpad
I don't have a weighted blanket. But I do like to have both the top sheet and s blanket or comforter over me. I feel cuddled in. If I get to hot I'll kick my feet out or take the covers off. But I also have the fan on me too.
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