Does Anyone Has Constant Buzzing/vibrating Feels Anywhere On Body?
Man!!! This has been my number one annoying symptom since day one! It’s what sent me on my long journey of trying to figure out what’s going on! Buzzing/vibrating/humming??? It’s so HARD to describe the feeling! To me, it’s almost like you’re sitting too close to something with an electrical current. Like, a powerline or a powerbox or like a laptop that you can feel when it atarts working too hard. I say it’s like a low current of electricity. It almost feels like my bones are humming from the inside out. For me it almost feels like a weird buzzing or tickling sensation that I cant get to stop. It’s worse in my hands and even worse when I movw them super fast (like for typing on the computer). I first felt them in my feet. Sometimes it’s like I can feel it running down my shins. Occasionally I get them in my arms but it’s always focuses on the hands and feet mostly (which makes sense bc this is where our nerve endings are most sensitive). My neurologist said he’s heard it described that way before. He said he’s heard people describe all sorts of strange/odd sensations due to the nerves being overactive or super sensitive. Vibration makes mine worse too. In fact if im in the car on a long drive with mt feet on the floorboard, the vibrations from the road drive my legs nuts. I have to lift up my feet so I dont feel them!!!
Hi thhere, yes most certainly.
For me it sounds like the radio trying to tune itself in. It's all that interference noice .
Or, in days when car radios weren't as hi tec!, it's the buzzing you would hear from the radio when you drive under a Pylon. Awwful, constant and prevents you trying to rest. X
Sounds like you've been getting CFT like I have. Learned all about it. Makes 100% sense. For anyone interested, this short TEDx Talk on Pain is fascinating:
This condition is called 'Paresthesia'. It is very common amongst fibro sufferers and other neurological diseases. I get the 'vibrating' sensation often but more distressing for me is the sensation of a spider bite whilst in bed. This follows an actual spider bite in bed 8 months ago. Now my stupid brain recreates the sensation at least once a week. It's so real I jump out of bed and start looking for it........ doh!
me too
My Body Sometimes Vibrates - Similar To The Feeling When I Have Stayed Up All Night Before Fibro. It’s Debilitating.
Does Anyone Else Experience These Wierd Physical Sensations?