How Do You Deal With The Morning Pain And Stiffness?
The morning are the most difficult for me I really struggle getting moving because of the pain.
What medications help? Does curtain exercises help ? What do you do?
I take 10mg of oxycodone and an antidepressent,antidepressant, pain is managed. I still have bad days mostly when I push my self. I walk on a treadmill and on our property. I stretch and read books. Not being wrapped up in your head about is useful. Do not drag your self down dwelling on it. Hugs
Routine. It helps your mental health and is kind of a placebo. Everyday i do the exact same routine of making coffee, stretching, taking a short walk and making breakfast. If it takes ms 30 minutes its a good day, if it takes me 2 hours its not. But i feel accomplished each time which helps a lot.
What a great question and am reading every comment. It normally it takes me 90 min to two hours to focus on stuff. I do take oxy in the morning and I walk. I stick to what I do for the same reason someone wrote. If I didn't I would beat up myself mentally for not doing the walk, for not doing this or that. We all know that just makes it worse.
Warming up the muscles is a must first thing. Even just walking around your home to get the blood flowing. Then you can do very gentle stretching. For me, a lot of my morning pain is due to being so stiff and the tightness in my muscles.
Mornings are the worst. It takes me couple hrs most days. I usually go thru emails, check sites on phone, etc..then i shower which always helps. I try to walk every day even if for only 10 min. I usually walk half hr a day to try to loosen up and stretch alot. Im always very stiff and have some bad days that i dont do much at all.
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Muscle Stiffness
Anyone Notice Pains And That When First Wake Up ?