Has Anyone On This Website Been Diagnosed With Both Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? If So How Was This Diagnoses Reached?
Jodi Holleran & everyone! The difference between Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is: that (CFS) is excessive tiredness. You’re dragging yourself to move, when you haven’t done anything. I was diagnosed by two doctors, after I had COVID the second time. It is extreme tiredness. However, It got better in time. 💜
I had both-but I persevered and the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome got better. I started going for walks and in time, I began to have more energy to do things, again. ❤️
I have both cfs and fybro. Had to go back to the doctors and get a bunch of tests to get the cfs diagnosis. The tests were similar to fybro.
The fatigue you feel with cfs is much more than just fybro. Any movement is exhausting and painful.
I was diagnosed with fybro 11 years ago and believe cfs came 9 years ago with the birth of my daughter.
Jodi, I was tested twice more than 5 years apart. Negative the first time. You might want to test from time to time.
Good idea to get a portable washer and dryer if you can afford it. They might have on site laundry facilities. My father had it when he was in care. I did his laundry for him.
I think anyone who has Fibromyalgia, has CFS, as fatigue is one of the main symptoms along with the pain. I was diagnosed when I had RA, my RA specialist said that I had Fibro too, when it was a symptom in 1993 and now it is a disease. I haven’t been diagnosed for CFS, but, I am thinking that we all have it with Fibro, I could be wrong, but, I am fatigued every day.
I diagnosed myself with chronic fatigue. In my 30s I started sleeping 12 to 14 hours nightly with a 2 hour nap. The second time I was tested for sleep apnea it was bad enough to get a CPAP machine. By then I was 71. Shortly after getting it I started sleeping 6 to 7 hours nightly usually with no nap. So my sleep is what it was when I was much younger. I wake up refreshed.
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