Thinning Hair Or Hair Loss?
Does anyone experience hair loss or thinning. I've been losing hair slowly since my diagnosis in 2001. I'm thinking about wearing a wig. Is there anyone out there experiencing the same and is using wigs? If you do wear a wig, do you find that it causes pain on the scalp? Thanks
My hair loss was causef by vitamin D Deficiency.
I take liquid vitmin D for best obsorbtion. It solved the problem.
I have lost a lot of hair since fibromyalgia. I used all kinds of treatments but it gets thinning and falling off. I shaved my hair it's a year now. It's much easier as I don't have to deal with long hair and painful scalp.
Anyone, but especially older women need to have a Vitamin D test. Look up symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. It affects so many things. Even if yours it at a pretty good level, ask your doc about taking a Vitamin D supplement
I am on my way to the lab to test my
vitamin B and D levels. Wintertime i tend to run low even with the supplements.
@A MyFibroTeam Member,
I take Vitamins D and I still experience hair thining and patchy areas. Vitamins does help refill our body.
Is Fibro The Cause Of Hair Loss Or Is It Due To Medication
I Hope You Can Help Me With This Dilly......has Anyone Experienced Pubic Hair Loss?
Any One Else Change Colors ?