Fingers Stiff Sore
Have you ever woken up with your hand making a fist but upon opening the fist does 1finger not straiten. (My middle finger, on both hands) It feels like the knuckles are breaking?
Nyloxin helps me. It's a Homeopathic. It doesn't work for about 4 days. You have to keep putting it all over the areas of your hands fingers that are bothering you multiple times during the day but around day 4 of putting it on multiple times during the day, all of a sudden it works. That's all I can say and then I'm good for about a week before I have to use it again. It beats taking pills that upset my stomach and don't help. I also wear simple wrist cuffs around the palms of my hands and it helps tremendously. You could probably even wear a rubber band around the palm of your hand. Something to give it support. Anyway,
It might sound strange but it works for me.
I forgot to add that I use the nyloxin roll on stage 3 Extra Strength topical gel. It's the one that works for me. They have less potent ones that don't work for me.
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