Does Anyone Have Internal Body Trembling That Makes You Feel Weak?
I have this!!! Oooh! I'm happy, because it's the first time I saw someone else talk about it. It's horrible. It's as if our bones and muscles are so weak they're trembling from the effort.
Hi Suzanne, not sure if it was the same 🤔 but I felt internal trembling and could see my hands trembling... My Dr lowered my dose on antidepressants thinking serotonin syndrome, and they stopped. 🥴 Don't know if it applies to you. Love your puppy pic😉
Deb 😘
Yes! I do get this on each side of my body sometimes. The dr gave me an EEG to test for a seizure and when that came back negative he had no answers
Yes, at times I get these. My antidepressant is the lowest dose. The pharmacist said you still have to watch for seratonin syndrome.
Yeah I’ve noticed this in my arms and then when I look to see a tremor or twitch, there’s nothing there! Sometimes if I’m holding something I know it’s shaking a little. Very strange.
Trembling Constantly
Anyone Ever Get Tremors?
My Body Sometimes Vibrates - Similar To The Feeling When I Have Stayed Up All Night Before Fibro. It’s Debilitating.