I Am Bothered ALL THE TIME With Itching....my PCP Prescribed Hydroxyzine PAM 25 Mg Caps. Does Anyone Else Itch?
I have found that oral antihistamines do nothing for itching. Years ago I used lanacane. I found that was the best thing for itching. I don't know if it's still on the market or not have not been in a drugstore in a while. Maybe you could ask your pharmacist. It's an over-the-counter product. Also you can try Benadryl cream. I find that helps with rashes. Works better than the oral Benadryl.
My husband has the itches first try was calamine lotion, then zinc found in baby rash crème…only a suggestion
My dosage is every six hours....wonder what the difference is?
I have only one area, a small patch on my left waistband area that itches frequently. The skin has now got a goosebump like texture in that area.
I'm on the same med and today i had to take 2, and 3 benadryls for the swelling of my lips and tongue.. My itching gets bad when something I'm allergic to is in the air and my allergies are bad. That's when i get itchy. Or when i take a opiate, touch strawberry leaves. Certain plants make me itch. Detergents. I've been through the ringer w my doctor's, specialist's, having me write it down.
Fibro And Itch???
If Someone Has Already Asked This Question, Please Excuse Me, But Is Anyone Else Bothered By Itching Constantly??
How Do You Deal With Severe Itching?