Numb Feeling ?
Erm this is weird I feel like my body is numb / heavy I can't explain it but If I think about it we'll that just makes it ten times worse but laying on my side I can really feel the numb sensation in my lower back does anyone else get this?
@A MyFibroTeam Member
Be careful about your positions as numbness is part of having Fibromyalgia. I get it in various places and I have to change positions to make it go away. Pressed nerves does that. Tingling sensation with pins and needle pain is common as well. I hope you feel better.
Maybe it was that then cause I did have migraine I also was nausea and vomiting. Then I remember I lay down and I felt this overwhelming numbness mostly on left side but the lower back reminded me of when I had epidural I went all numb from lower back to legs but also in left arm and neck was very weird
Hi sillygirlfun I was laying on my side and it was my right side so I guess I was pressing on my stomach as well . The joys of fibro hey
Yes I have numb, legs fave due to hemiplegic migraines amd hands. Sometimes it all the legs or it can come in patches. This was my first ever symptom
It went I reckon it was the migraine side effect possibly xx
Does Anyone Else Get A Numb/burning/pain Feeling In The Top Of The Thigh? It's A Horrible Feeling I Get Mostly At Night..
My Right Hand Constantly Goes Numb. If I Move It This Goes. Soon Comes Back. Anyone Know Why.
Hands And Feet Numb Tingling