Some meds can induce constipation also Fibromialgia brings IBS to many of us. If you have hemorrhoids have you had any success irradicating them or at least what do you use to decrease the discomfort?
Thank you and gentle hugs!!!
Pedro.........I don't have an answer for the results of your problem but I will share what this little old lady from N Al. (me) does....Each night, after meds, eat 1-2 heaping tablespoons of smooth peanutbutter....I know...This sound silly and hard to believe but, if you are not allergic to peanuts, just give it a try....coats the stomach too.....OK !....If I have gone off my rocker, what is new?..:)
@A MyFibroTeam Member, yes it's safe to take stool softeners everyday as is MiriLax. Other laxatives are not though. Your body can become dependent on them.
I use to get them all the time. I was using preparation H pads and cream. My doctor told me to try using MiraLAX it has no taste and dissolves in any liquid. I use it in the morning when I take my morning pills. I have not had them in over 6 months.
Soak in warm water. This will ease them for a short time. If, they swell, I know they hurt, but ice helps with the swelling.
Another thing you can do is if you have a shower handle you can direct a stream if water as hot as you can stand directly at the hemmarhoid. I used to have to do this after I gave birth. It felt like a big bumble bee was stuck in my butt. The hot water increases circulation and then use anusol or preparation H suppisitories or coconut oil or whatever lubricant if your choice.
Any One Else Ever Get A Sharp Rate In The Anus Hole ? âšī¸