Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone here bleeds from there bum after a bowel movement it's not every time but once in a while. I never have except recently. I know it's quite a personal question but I do appreciate the answers and if you are not comfortable answering this question here or at all I completely understand. My email (Email address can only be seen by MyFibroTeam users)
Thank you so much I do appreciate and thank all of you for being here and are willing to give your stories and… read more
If you have constipation your chances of having a small amount of blood coming out is perfectly normal. I would worry about hemorrhoids. If you already have hemorrhoids that's where the blood spotting is coming from. If the blood is heavier and more constant you need to go to The doctor to make sure you don't have a G.I. bleed. But I would say it's the lesser of the evils!
And don't ever be shy about asking any questions on this site. There are a lot of healthcare workers here and there are also people that have been in your spot 100 times fold. That's what we are here for! ❤️
Us Kelly's think alike, lol. More then likely it's from the constipation if it's a small small amount that bright red. You rip yourself a little when your poop is hard. I get hemorrhoids quite often and then the next thing you know I've got diarrhea. That's what it sounds like you have
Do u have pain in ur stomach n diarrhea also? If so u could have diverticulitis, needs to b treated with antibiotics I had 1st experienced this 6yrs ago. I had a lot of blood coming out from there by the time I went to the dr - had to put a sanitary pad back there. It was a scary feeling - I thought I was dying.
If u have blood coming out in the tolit, u need to go see a dr. If ur seeing a little blood when u wipe, it may b from polyps, hemroids, or even a tear from constipation.
If you have regular constipation it could be coming from a hemorrhoid. I am familiar. I never had this problem until I got ibs with fibro and of course all the meds from fibro don't help he problem. I take a stool softener regularly. Especially when I take opioid pain medicine.
But to be on the safe side please tak to your doctor about it. I won't say the details but I had a friend who had a lot of rectal bleeding and he ended up needing surgery. If it's just a small amount of blood it is probably from an internal hemorrhoid but please get it checked out if your not sure. 😘
Yes I sometimes do,its either piles or anal fissures,suppositories from Dr helped also not straining or getting constipated helps,
My Research Has Shown Me That You Can Have Bleeding From Fibromyalgia. I Have Pelvic Floor Damage I Have Been Told So I Guess That Is What
Nose Bleeds